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Children's Mental Health Week

What can you do to make yourself feel relaxed and happy?

This week has been Children's Mental Health Week. In Nursery, we have been thinking about different ways that we can help ourselves to relax and feel calm. We have been experimenting making different sensory bottles with different ingredients. These have made different effects and it is lovely to shake them and watch the ingredients mix and move. We have decided that we will keep these and watch them when we need to calm down. We have also been trying to do different Yoga exercises to relax our bodies. We have read the story of 'The Cow tripped Over the Moon' by Tony Wilson. This story is based upon the Hey diddle diddle nursery rhyme. When we read the story we discovered that at first the cow couldn't jump over the moon and she has to keep trying to achieve what she planned to do. The little dog and the dish and the spoon also help her to try and achieve her goal. We have been thinking about some of the things that we would like to do and how we can help each other to achieve our goals.