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What is the Pacific Ocean like?

The children really enjoyed their Science experiment this week investigating which materials were most suitable for building a house for the Three Little Pigs.  They were able to use descriptive language to identify the properties of different materials and explain why some materials were better than others.

In English, we learnt how to use exclamation marks to express emotions.  We also learnt how to write exclamation sentences such as 'What colourful fish they are!' linked to our story Somebody Swallowed Stanley.

In Geography, we learnt about the Pacific Ocean and identified its features.  We then compared the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean.  In Computing this half term we have been creating algorithms to program a sprite to dance.  We have know learnt how to add sound to our codes.

In Maths, we have been building our understanding of numbers to 20 and using our number bonds to 10 to help us recognise our number bonds to 20.

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