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Can you retell Jack and the Beanstalk?

Year 2 have been excited to start the new Geography topic 'From Dragon's to Dim Sum'.  We will be learning about China and comparing it to England.  This week we have been learning about physical and human features.  In Science we have been looking at what animals and plants need in order to survive and classifying things into living and non-living things.  In DT we have been looking at how we can keep food safe and clean, ready to cook a stir fry next week.

In English we have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk.  We have been learning to use expanded noun phrases to describe objects and settings.  We have also been learning to use commas in a list.  Next week we will be continuing Jack and the Beanstalk and retelling the story as our Star Write.

In Maths we have been looking at 2D shapes and how to describe them.  We have learnt to describe their sides, vertices and lines of symmetry.  We then learnt how they can be sorted into different groups based on their properties. 

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