Junior Supremos and Personal Bests

Find out what our Junior Supremos have been supporting our school with recently...
Our Year 6 Junior Supremo Sports Leaders met last week to prepare for Personal Bests week, which started on Tuesday. This meeting was to discuss the events for the inter-house competitions across year groups 1 – 5 and allocate their individual roles and responsibilities. They were able to assign themselves jobs playing to their own strengths and interests, be that timing and scoring, refereeing or organising equipment, and worked collaboratively to ensure everyone was gaining leadership experience in a variety of areas. We were able to run through the timetable and logistics for each of the events, as the running of these competitions largely fell to our Junior Supremos on the day. This meeting was one part of the process of PB Week and gave our sports leaders experience of the planning and organisation that precedes a sporting event.
This week, we saw them embark on running their first set of events and they supported throughout the week in a mature and helpful manner - a real credit to the school - well done Junior Supremos!