Personal Bests Week

Another PB where the sun has shone and so has the work of all the children from Year 1 to Year 6.
Our PB Weeks give all our children an opportunity to think about their own ‘Best’ and how having personal goals can help us all move forward and progress.
This week, Year 1 and 2 have competed in Scatterball and Year 3-6 have played Rounders. There has been an impressive display of healthy competition, team work and physical ability, with everyone bringing their best to contribute towards a team effort.
We have been so impressed by each of the year groups and their approaches to their PB efforts this week, which has been reflected in the results where we have had a wider spread of House Team winners this time than any other week before!
Well done to all the children for making this such a successful week and for entering into it with the positive sporting attitude that we are striving to develop at Dorchester.