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Year 1 News

Here you will find all the latest news about our learning in Year 1.

October 2022

  • What have you learnt about privacy?

    Published 19/10/22

    This week we have been reading 'We're Going to Find the Monster' in English.  The children made good predictions about what the story was going to be about and wrote some fantastic sentences about the pictures.  In Maths we have explored part-part-whole models and learnt how numbers can be partitioned in different ways.  We have then used them to see how two parts can make a whole.  

    In PSHE we have been looking at what privacy means, what private parts are and what information to keep private. We have also had an anti-bullying workshop which the children all enjoyed.

    Year 1 have worked really hard this half term and we are very proud of the progress that they are making.  We hope you all have a well deserved rest next week, ready to come back for the next half term.

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  • What did you enjoy most about our dinosaur workshop?

    Published 14/10/22

    This week Year 1 have loved learning about dinosaurs and thoroughly enjoyed the dinosaur workshop on Tuesday.  They got to meet a triceratops, a velociraptor and a t-rex.  They then got to investigate different fossils and match them to the correct dinosaur.  They also got to learn about dinosaurs' diet and investigate coprolite (fossilised poo) to investigate whether they were carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.  The children also got to make dinosaur skeletons out of pasta and moulded clay into dinosaurs.

    In English, we then wrote recounts to describe our dinosaur day, using full stops, finger spaces and capital letters.  In Maths we looked learnt how to use a number line to find more than and less than a given number.

    In Science the children enjoyed participating in a tasting experiment where they used their sense to describe the foods that they ate.

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  • Why do Christians celebrate Harvest?

    Published 07/10/22

    This week Year 1 have created some brilliant fact files about different dinosaurs.  They used their phonics to sound out words carefully and wrote some very interesting facts.

    We Maths we have been learning how to use a number line to find more than and less than given numbers.  The children were also able to use their knowledge of numbers to find missing numbers.

    In History we have been looking at similarities and differences between different species of dinosaurs.  They grouped them by: number of legs, whether they could swim, whether they were carnivores and many other options.   In Science we looked at different body parts and how they are used.

    Fr Martin Magill: Harvest festival first is a celebration of creation -

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October 2022