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School Improvement Plan

Each year, the school runs a parent, staff and pupil survey.  The Governors and Leadership Team consider the views expressed in these carefully, as well as performance data and the views of other external assessments of the school in devising development priorities for the coming year.  

Our current priorities are:

1) To continue to develop our curriculum, using threads of learning and precise task planning, so that learning is motivating and engaging for children and so that they can remember more of the things they learn.

2) To further develop children's writing skills.

3) To use the best in educational research to ensure that teachers continue to improve their practice so that all our children consistently receive teaching of the very highest quality.

4) To maximise opportunities for parents to engage in and support their children's learning.

5) To improve the quality and range of outdoor play opportunities for children.

6) To improve the range of pupil leadership opportunities on offer throughout the school.

7) To further embed use of Zones of Regulation to support children to understand and regulate their emotions.

8) To make improvements to the school building for the benefit of all its users.


We carefully monitor our progress towards achieving these targets, with the support of our Governors and external advisors and using feedback from parents, staff and pupils.  Our staff are committed to working together to achieve all our targets so that our children have the best possible opportunities both during their time with us and in their future lives.