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Nursery: Why do Christians celebrate Easter?

This week in Nursery, we have been learning all about Easter and why it is an important celebration for Christians. We have read the Easter Story and focused on the key events starting at Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Sunday. On Monday, the children created their own palm leaves and acted out the scene where Jesus enters Jerusalem on his donkey. On Tuesday, we learnt about Jesus sharing the last supper with his friends and we learnt what bread and squash (wine) symbolised to Christians. Then we read the story ‘The Angel and the Dove’. This story is about the events of the first Easter and celebrates new life. In the story, after unfortunate events of Good Friday leading up to a sad day, the Angel and the Dove celebrate the miracles of new life and spring, which celebrates the Resurrection.  The children also enjoyed joining in with some Easter celebrations making Easter nests and going on Easter egg hunts.

After Easter we will be learning all about Eid and Ramadan. If you are celebrating at home we would love to see some photographs. We would also like to welcome any family members who would like to come and talk to the children about how you celebrate Eid.

Happy Easter and Eid Mubarak to all of our families!